Monday, 29 January 2018


On week 8, my team and I made further discussion on what is to be changed for the animation film and what needs to be refined,

a couple of shots has been altered according to reviews between my team and the teacher about what is best for the shots.

Shot 001

The body of the dragon changed according to the momentum of its movements as it dives with extreme speed, the water would be breaking out of its body at this point.

Shot 002

The dragon's movement has been changed, it moves from side to side, giving it a similar feel to a giant snake.

Shot 003

The dragon's approach changed, having it towering over the woman as she drops her lantern in shock.

Shot 004

The man's spear throwing pose changed, having him pointing upwards instead.

Shot 005

The angle for the spear changed, it was meant to avoid a straightforward angle as used before. Although this was just a test and another alternative idea, it wasn't used after further discussion with the team as it does not build the tension that was needed for the final scene.

Shot 006

The angle for the woman reacting to the approaching dragon changed as it was meant to avoid a straightforward angle as used before. After further review with the team, this shot was not used.

Shot 007

The angle of the approaching dragon has now changed and agreed with my team as it builds the necessary tension for the dragon to look superior and frightening from the woman's view.

Later on, I've worked on lighting test on the man's body feature and choosing a suitable color tone for the shadow.

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