Wednesday, 25 April 2018

CT5CART Cartoon Animation : Change of expression

Change of expression :

First test (Keys & Breakdowns) :

The movement in this test were too fast and needs to be timed properly.

Second test :

The movement in this test still needs to be reworked. It may need to rise it's arms a little more higher.

Third test : 

In the third test, when the arms fold the body should go a little more lower to make the weight of the arms landing more pressured.

Fourth test : 

\On the fourth test, the body bent more when the arms landed seeming as if there was more weight into it, however, the arms may need more improvements when it folds together. 

Dope Sheet :

Layout : 

CT5CART Cartooon Animation : Strut Walk

Strut Walk :

First test :

On the first test, the foot was too far apart and it's foot needs to be in proper shape. The timing also needs to be reworked.

Second test :

On the second test, I reworked on the foot and timing of the animation. I have also tested a second version of this to test out the timing for the foot.

2nd test : version 1

2nd test : version 2 
On the second test, the foot landing in the keys are on ones instead of twos.

Third test :

On the third test, I reworked the movements again, the head shape needs to be reworked as it isn't exactly round like the original Mickey Mouse head shape. The body also needs to lean more forward in the breakdowns and in-betweens.

There are also two version of the 3rd test to test out the timing of the foot.

Version 1

Version 2

Fourth test :

On the fourth test, the character's body leans more forward, but the head may still need more improvements.

Dope Sheet :

Layout :

CT5CART Cartoon Animation : Sneak walk down the stairs

Sneak walk down the stairs :

First test :

On the first test, the movement was far too off from the actual sneaking movement. The character's movements were overly exaggerated, and the movement needs more frames for the weight.

Second test :


On the second test, I reworked on keys and breakdowns. The head moved in a straight line as the character lean forward. Instead, it needs a curved movement on the head rather then a straight line as the character lean forward each time.

Third test :

On the third test, the movements have been reworked and in-betweens were applied along with a background provided by the teacher.

Dope Sheet :

Layout :

CT5CART Cartoon Animation : Sneak walk

Sneak Walk :

First test :

Dope Sheet :

Layout :

CT5CART cartoon animation : Walking up and down the stairs

Walking up and down the stairs :

First test :

In the first test, the character needs more frames as it stops at the top of the stairs.

Second test :

In the second test, the frames were added when the character stops at the top of the stairs.

Dope Sheet :

Layout :

CT5CART Cartoon Animation: Cocktail Shake

Cocktail Shake animation:

First test :

In the first test, the cocktail moved straight as it goes downwards and upwards. Instead, it needs to be in a curved movement.

Second test :

In the second test, the cocktail shake has more curved movement.

Dope Sheet : 

Layout :

Monday, 23 April 2018

CT5ANIGP TB 2 DIALOG PROJECT- Lip Sync animation project - Production process

During the Easter holiday I worked on in-betweens while applying the feed backs given.

As I work on planning the lip sync, I realize that it is best to work on the movements and form of the characters in the in-between stage before going into lip sync.

Compiled full in-between

After, I planned the lip sync by using after effects, listening and memorizing the waveform of the audio.

Compiled full lip-lync

Compiled full clean-up

Compiled full color-pass